Friday, May 21, 2010

The Limit of Rational Thought

I read a book once, "Jesus-The Revolutionary". It wasn't about a wild man; it was about a meek and lowly carpenter, but with a message that turned the world upside down. When God ordained the Christian church, a revolution started and is still going on today.
Since Jesus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit carries on this revolution.
Something has happened in the Adventist Church. We like rational thought, reason, and logic, things that we can put very carefully in a well defined box or system of belief. That way we will always stay in the protecting walls and nothing sneaks out or in. We are afraid to go outside the box; it’s safe in here. Those who want to live outside the box are suspect.
Our pioneers weren’t like that. Ellen White was very open to the experience of God outside the known realm. She had numerous dreams and visions that were unexplainable by reason. Our church was built on truth and the special work of the Holy Spirit.
But something happened along the way. We shut down any and everything that doesn’t follow our well defined reason. We don't encourage dreams and visions any more. We suspect them we ignore our own.
When I say Rational thought I mean clear, concrete laws, policies, boundaries that protect us from anything new that might hurt us. We hold onto what we know then ignore or demonize everything else.
Hence we don’t know what to do with the wind, otherwise called the Holy Spirit.
That’s not who I am. I am one of those people who longs to live outside the box...who doesn't sense he belongs in society. I sometimes get into trouble because of it, but I am happier there...because I think God is there.

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