Monday, March 15, 2010

Health Care

I try not to be political, I believe in separation of church and state. The state should stay out of the church’s business and the church should stay out of the state’s. But sometimes the issue is not politics but Christianity and morality. When I say morality I am referring to the spiritual truths that we find in the Bible. That is the basis of what I understand morality to be.

As I seek to understand and follow Christ…His teachings and His actions…for that is what a Christian is…I am increasingly confused as I hear and see those who are Christians acting and talking in ways that are opposed to what Jesus said and did.

Health care is one of the debates going on right now in Congress. Though I do not want to take sides, I do ask: How can one who is a Christian be opposed to Americans, people not having their basic needs supplied while all around them there are examples of people who have much more then they will ever need? When Jesus said we should give to those who ask you (Matt 5:42); how can we refuse? When Jesus said in Matt 22:39 that we should love our neighbor as ourselves, how can we refuse our neighbor who does not have basic needs met? How can we be enriched ourselves and refuse to enrich our neighbor? Where is the Christianity in refusing health care or any other basic needs to people who live next to us?

I don’t see it. Could someone help me understand this?

It seems to me people are Americans first and Christians last…we are only concerned about our own money, our own homes, our own lives and wanting to increase our own bank accounts and forgetting the poor who live outside our door. We come up with all kinds of excuses for not helping people who need it. But it is hard to argue with the clear words of Christ…following Jesus is last in our mind.

I just believe that if I am in Christ, what He said and did should take precedent!

What would our world be like if we actually took the words of Christ seriously? The love of God would be known by all and spiritual truths would be taught through out the land. The New Covenant (Heb 8:10-12) which says there would come a time when we would all know the Lord…would actually come true.

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