Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gay Chaplain helps police

Charlotte, NC, Nov 2010

I read the front page of the Charlotte Observer on Saturday morning, Nov 6 of this year and I noticed a story entitled: “6 volunteer police chaplains resign.” The story went on to explain that there were 15 volunteer chaplains from area churches who helped the police department in traumatic situations. Recently the police department added another chaplain, a lady who is gay, though very qualified to be a chaplain. Immediately six of the chaplains resigned.
I realize that not all chaplains are of Christian foundation, there may be some who are Jewish, some Moslem or other persuasions. But the term "chaplain" does refer to a religious practitioner. At least some of those chaplains were of Christian persuasion. I find it difficult to understand why they could not associate with a professional person who is gay. The article went on to say that some police serving Charlotte are gay.
Putting all politics and sociology aside, if one boils down in simple form what Christianity means, it means those who are followers of Jesus. Certainly the example of Jesus was to associate with sinners. (Luke 5:30) The worst we can say about gay people is that they are sinners...like the rest of us. (Rom 3:23) I may have a different flavor of sin in my life but it is sin, nonetheless.
If I am not really a follower of Jesus, but simply one who practices the American, popular, culture of Christianity then I might not associate with gay people. But I believe in following Jesus, first and last. I believe Jesus would have stayed serving the police department and its clients and associating openly with gay people and anyone else who needs his compassion and service, benefiting from his example.

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