Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Hybrid Christianity

My thoughts on the Christian church today. I see some Christian churches are a hybrid form, mostly evangelicals. It's a mixture of American nationalism and self-interest, blended with biblical Christianity. It becomes a non-biblical form of Christianity. The statements I hear include: “American is God's country” and some might include other nations that are friendly and supportive to the US like Canada, England, and Israel. Those that are against America are of the devil; like Syria, Iran, Russia and China, maybe others. It is said that these different countries that are against us are also against God. But God loves all people and all nations, not just those who live in or like America. How arrogant we Americans can be. And how arrogant is this “Christianity.” Something else I've heard like when it comes to ministering to same-sex people. Say I have a business where I am a cake decorator. If a same-sex couple comes in and wants me to make a cake for their wedding. Some Christians today will refuse to do that. And then when a lawsuit is threatened they will cry foul for taking away their religious freedom. In America we have laws against discrimination in our business practices. But then to cry foul saying that their religious liberty is being restricted, is a twist of what real religious liberty is. Real religious liberty has to do with the separation of church and state. It is a apart of the First Amendment to the Constitution. The state is not to restrict or coerce any religion. Religious liberty has to do with making a law that you have to go to a certain church or just on a certain day, or restricting worshipers from worshiping on a certain day or place. There are other examples, but laws against discrimination are not a religious liberty issue unless a church is being forced to hire certain employees. I believe that If I was of a biblical Christian mindset, and following Jesus I would bend over backwards to help people like same-sex couples and I would be happy to make the cake for them. And if I thought I shouldn’t take their money then why not just give the cake and say, “It is a wedding present. “ If all Christians did things like that, loving and excepting all people, then many unbelievers would start wondering why Christians are like this. People would see how great Christians are and maybe they would want to check us out. They might even want to come to church. And who knows, maybe God would convict them of their sins. Jesus accepted all and died for everyone, all sinners, all of us. He died for the world because he loves the world. (John 3: 16) No matter what we do He loves us all. That is a great example for the Christian church; loving and accepting all. That doesn’t mean you agree with sin. Remember, we all sin. Sin is sin, we are all guilty. Only through Jesus can anyone be saved. If some “Christians” want to stand up for their so-called rights and refuse to serve people who are a little different than them, they're no different than the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus day. The scribes and Pharisees would not even speak to a Gentile. This is exactly what Jesus had to deal with; Fundamentalists and legalists. It’s hard enough for us to get through life and feel like we're loved and cared for, for us to be pointing fingers at one another and saying that you're sin is worse than mine. But rather Christians can accept all people into their community, loving them, helping them and guiding them, allowing the Holy Spirit to touch their hearts. What could be wrong with this? Why should I treat some people as if they are less than human? They should have the same rights that I have. Sin is sin and it doesn't matter whether it's one flavor or another. It’s still is sin and Jesus died for all sinners. Christians should open their arms and open their church doors to all people because we are all of Adam’s race.