Thursday, March 3, 2011

Human Sexuality Class Involves Demonstration

Attendance was optional, but about 100 students stayed after class to watch. This story appeared in the Charlotte Observer, Thursday, March 3, 2011. It comes out of Chicago at Northwestern University. After Prof. John Bailey’s human sexuality class, a demonstration occurred which was optional but which included sex act performed in front of the audience. After the class a couple demonstrated the use of the sex toy and female orgasm. Of course the professor gave five or six warnings stating that this was going to be graphic but hardly anybody left. The woman undressed and got on stage with her male partner who used a device to give her an orgasm.

One would call this live pornography by two exhibitionists, the same kind that work in topless bars and are strippers. Perhaps the best one could say about it is that it is obscene.

Here is a good opportunity for all the preachers in America to harangue Northwestern University for its graphic and flagrant acceptance of the sinless and godless culture of today. They might, but this preacher is not going to. It doesn't accomplish anything positive anyway.

I see something else here. I see a lack of acceptance and understanding of who we are as humans. Question: Are we a distinct creature or simply a higher form of animal? In my high school, I learned that humans are mammals...animals. But that is not what God says.

When God created mankind he used a different method than he did for all other inorganic or organic creation. Genesis 2:7, The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (NIV) Everything else God simply spoke into existence. But with mankind he used his hands, it was personal and he made us in his own image. (Genesis 1:27)

I ask again: Who are we? Are we a unique creature unlike any other in the world or are we simply mammals and as such we should act like animals; creatures who act on instinct, who are more concerned about themselves than anyone else, who are seemingly controlled by pleasure or other feelings, and brute or physical force and cunning are the predominant survival techniques.

I submit that most of societal problems can be traced back to this; Violence, inhumanity inflicted upon humans, war, abuse, anything that devalues one over another; one lion fighting another over territory or a mate or… God help us all if that's what we believe. Because that does not involve morality, what is considered a good character, neither a spiritual dimension in life. The spiritual dimension is perhaps the most important that sets us apart from all other creatures and connects us with God, our maker, our ultimate lover and our Savior. Without that we are animals and might as well act like it…hay, Northwestern is teaching it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

End of Civility and Christianity?

I thought I would share something I just read in Best Practices, a newsletter for pastors: “Pastor Jared Wright went to hear Ted Wilson, (president of the General Conference) speak in Redlands, CA last week. Afterward, Pastor Jared approached a man who'd asked Wilson a question during the Q&A that Jared wanted to clarify. He introduced himself and told the man he was writing an article for Spectrum magazine. At the word "Spectrum" the man went into a rage, and after threatening to take him outside and beat him up, settled for punching him in the mouth - right in the church sanctuary…
“Perhaps I’m nostalgic, but it seems to me that our capacity for courteous discourse has diminished. We seem less able to disagree without being disagreeable. And is it any wonder? Sometime said to me recently that the church follows the culture, and we're all aware that respect and civility are hard to find in public conversations… So should we be surprised that the rhetoric of violence - not to mention actual violence - filters into the church, too?” (Loren Seibold, Editor, Best Practices)
Not only that, but as I looked at different responses to this altercation on Facebook, I discovered that many “liberals” who were outraged by the violence would be very happy to see the perpetrator receive equal through arrest or law suit. Is that any better? Does joining a “conservative” or “liberal” mindset ensure that one will be Christlike? No! Only Christ within can assure Christlikeness.

Those whose goal is to purify the church from sinful people, philosophies, and permissive practices as well as those who want to silence the above mentioned people, should never resort to violent measures. “Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” (1Corinthians 13:5) “Do not repay evil for evil.” (Romans 12:17) “Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21) In their zeal defending the church from such influence, they forget that people are more important then a perceived church health. In God’s eyes people are of infinite worth, those who are led astray and those who lead us astray. Jesus gave His life for all. Just ask the question, can you see Jesus punching someone in the face for speaking out…for any reason? Not the Jesus I see in Scripture.