Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Giving & Health Care

Newsletter- December 5, 2009

Giving is important this time of year. This is the season when we remember that God gave all of heaven in his Son to the world. But how limited we are in our generosity.
This year the healthcare debate heated up. I am not a politician but I can see the signs. The gulf between the have’s and the have not’s is ever widening. Personally, I find it difficult to name the name of Christ and sit in my proud prosperous seat having healthcare while a fellow human being suffers without it…and this only because I and others are unwilling to share. There are great limits to our giving.
Does not the Bible say: “It is God who gives us power to have wealth?” (Deut 8:18) Is it not true that our wealth as well as all of God's enabling is not just to be selfishly used but shared? Did not Christ give freely of what he had, without judging the receiver as unworthy?
I have heard dedicated Christians say, "I have no problem with people having health care, or a nice car, or a good home, long as they're willing to work for it, like I do." That is clearly an American statement...legalistic, but American. If only life were that simple? It is not.
No, we don't have to “sell everything we have and give to the poor…then come follow me (Jesus).” (Luke18:22)...I think. Every American -- no, every human should have basic care; food, shelter, and health care. It is basic, necessary for life and joy. Somehow if we are willing to partner with him, God can bring it about…not just health care…but full life care.